monkinetic the blog

Posts tagged with 'open' (30 posts)

Omnivore - open source "read later" site and app

I was introduced to by someone on Mastodon (can’t find the reference now, but thanks whoever you were)!

Omnivore is a “read later” app like Pocket, but free to use and open source. I’ve found the website to be well done, though there are some issues right now:

  • The iOS app freezes pretty often, so I do most of my reading on my Mac
  • The Firefox extension is easy to use but the “set labels” feature doesn’t seem to work, and I general want to label/tag everything.

#readlater #opensource

Steve Ivy

Christian Clauss is working on moving pytatsd to Github actions for automated testing and builds #python #statsd #opensource

~ # 20:47 ~

Steve Ivy

Wow, I’ve been a terrible #opensource maintainer… I need to re-familiarize myself with pystatsd

~ # 16:59 ~

Steve Ivy

#openstack implementors: is it possible to use celery for async tasks from code running on the controller (horizon) box?

~ # 01:28 ~

Steve Ivy

Unit testing #openstack apps is more complicated than it should be, but can be done; unless, that is, you’re modifying create-instance. #ow

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Steve Ivy

Working with unit tests and mox in openstack… infuriating. I don’t understand mox and am sure it hates me, personally. #python #openstack

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Steve Ivy

Anyone know if there’s a House version of this Senate members XML? Can’t find a downloadable dump of members. #opengov

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Steve Ivy

Hey #opsfolk: You’re spec’ing a Rackspace VPS for a jenkins-ci/logstash environment, small startup scale right now. Go. #openstack #devops

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Steve Ivy

Working some on my #diso presentation for #fws. What does #diso mean to you now? #openweb #socialweb

~ # 21:25 ~

Steve Ivy

what do you call it when a company releases an open source lib to access their closed platform? #opensourcedoorbell

~ # 16:33 ~

Steve Ivy

@dotBen I hadn’t - thanks. It’s true that there is a starving artist vibe to the indie-advocate gig. What to do about that? #open #advocacy

~ # 13:15 ~

Steve Ivy

The Challenge: Manage Conflicting Goals #openid #connect #facebook

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Steve Ivy

congrats @t on the move to Mozilla! - webstandards++ #diso #openweb

~ # 13:48 ~

Steve Ivy

Tantek Çelik on DiSo 2.0: Down to Brass tacks: #diso #openweb #falcon

~ # 02:03 ~

Steve Ivy

Of the various web conferences, #IIW is one I’d love to get to one of these days #openweb #diso #openid

~ # 15:07 ~

Steve Ivy

anyone got research on use of 3rd-party reg/auth like FB or OpenID? curious why users use one v. another #ux #openid /cc @chrismessina

~ # 16:17 ~

Steve Ivy

hey @daveman692: pls publish OIDC spec w/ anchored headings? need to be able to link to sections if we’re to discuss it. :-) #openidconnect

~ # 15:20 ~

Steve Ivy

Wishing I was at #iiw, hearing more about #openidconnnect. #openweb #diso

~ # 19:34 ~

Steve Ivy

@apgwoz: haven’t looked enough at the protocol – would #openlike be useful to faveheart?

~ # 13:53 ~

Steve Ivy

Wishful Thinking Day: Wish Facebook would support Salmon to send comments there back to my blog. #facebook #openweb #salmon

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Steve Ivy

Also, will be nice when my blog supports Salmon. :-) #salmon #openweb

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Steve Ivy

@apgwoz technically you’re right, but non-nerds don’t know how to use it. plus, no visual reminder on the page to encourage use. #openlike

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Steve Ivy

Putting “like” in an iframe (current state-of-the-art) walls it off from interacting with the local site. How to fix? #openlike #facebook

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Steve Ivy

I thinking about moving all my profile info to my website, and simply link from my FB profile there. (via @steveivy) #openweb

~ # 14:10 ~

Steve Ivy

@simplebits I love Dribbble, but it’s frustrating to not be able to comment without an invite-only account. #openid please!

~ # 15:06 ~

Steve Ivy

Is it true that in 2010, Yahoo’s SREG/AX support is still “in testing”? What the heck is to hard? Is Google’s any better? #openid #openweb

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Steve Ivy

@leahculver talking about OAuth. Surprised this still has to be explained/evangelized. #oauth #openweb #gilt_nyc

~ # 01:50 ~

Akwa IRC client

Seeing as I’m hanging out in #openacs a lot these days, I wanted a better IRC client than Snak. Snak’s ok and all, but it’s Carbon and it shows. I found a new client that seems to be very much a Cocoa app, with most of the features you expect from an IRC client: Akwa.


Convenient debug variable handling

While hanging in #openacs tonight I got a quick tutorial from jim (no link) on handling debug variables with an in-memory table structure. Read about it starting here. Combined with a new form of fusion… I mean, combined with a <multiple> tag in the adp page it makes it easy to output a table of debug data.
