monkinetic the blog

Posts tagged with 'ok' (42 posts)

Steve Ivy

Posting in your own site means #Facebook #instagram or #YouTube can’t decide if your writing is worth monetizing or not.

~ # 19:04 ~

Steve Ivy

Posting to via Drafts (I want to support something like this in the next version of my own blog software, via some kind of API)

~ # 12:44 ~

Steve Ivy

“I was taught to see racism only in individual acts of meanness, not in invisible systems conferring dominance on my group.” #bookmark #racism

~ # 21:53 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

Stupid old man went and made a #TikTok

~ # 16:35 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

Adam Savage’s one-day-build for his LED worklight #bookmark #project

~ # 17:13 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka (MSK) #bookmark #scale #kafka #datapipeline

~ # 16:23 ~

Steve Ivy

Checking out Roam #bookmark #writing #outlining Roam Research

~ # 13:15 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

What is Dimensional Model in Data Warehouse? #bookmark remarkable informative #datawarehouse #dataengineering

~ # 16:48 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

So I don’t forget: Unacceptable by Helene Schouten #bookmark #racism #economics #america

~ # 16:09 ~

Steve Ivy

Taking Back New Tabs #bookmark we used to call this “home pages”

~ # 22:50 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

Looks like I need a #bookmark feature in #Goldfrog now: “Agile as Trauma”

~ # 15:13 ~

Steve Ivy

20 years in, I still giggle like a child the first time my new web app code successfully serves a request #200OK

~ # 19:13 ~

Steve Ivy

@DenimAlley BTW please let me know if I can borrow one of the registered FTOs (Forces of Total Obliteration), I have a cat here who’s driving me crazy… #therook

~ # 13:48 ~

Steve Ivy

I look good in glass-pack #okmichaelwhatever #rem

~ # 18:51 ~

Steve Ivy

Working hard to keep my wallet in my pocket #wwdc #retinabookpro

~ # 18:10 ~

Steve Ivy

Using a fabulously sharp Kershaw folding knife to open crackers. #nokilllikeoverkill

~ # 23:27 ~

Steve Ivy

Worst browser feature ever, copied from IE: backspace-to-back-arrow. #altiediediedie #usenetjokes

~ # 14:53 ~

Steve Ivy

once again, values of 0 break my truthiness code #badprogrammernocookie

~ # 17:52 ~

Steve Ivy

@wilshipley my first real hospitalization of adult life involved a nailgun, 12d nail, and a doc with channel locks. #heylooksears

~ # 01:58 ~

Steve Ivy

BnB we’re staying at this wknd is stop #1 on the town’s annual “Chocolate Walk”! Scooore! #frenchsaltcocoacookies

~ # 22:59 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

♪ He’s a radio receiver tuned to factories and farm… ville. ♬ #newworldfacebookman /cc @pixel

~ # 17:41 ~

Steve Ivy

is it a bad sign that the dentist wants to see me at 2:30 tomorrow? #oldjoke

~ # 18:27 ~

Steve Ivy

The Challenge: Manage Conflicting Goals #openid #connect #facebook

~ # 17:54 ~

Steve Ivy

@toddbarnard “Walled Gardens doomed to fail” is old thinking. #facebook is bringing the web into the garden. How do we adapt? #facebook

~ # 14:16 ~

Steve Ivy

@toddbarnard I hope I’m wrong, but seems like #facebook cries “privacy” when you ask about getting content out, but “open!” when importing.

~ # 13:58 ~

Steve Ivy

@davewiner I hope I’m wrong, but it seems that #facebook cries “privacy” when you ask about getting content out, but “open!” when importing.

~ # 13:57 ~

Steve Ivy

@toddbarnard Yes, but embracing OAuth doesn’t do anything to open the content. in 2010, are there ways to get content out of #facebook yet?

~ # 13:56 ~

Steve Ivy

Wishful Thinking Day: Wish Facebook would support Salmon to send comments there back to my blog. #facebook #openweb #salmon

~ # 13:46 ~

Steve Ivy

Putting “like” in an iframe (current state-of-the-art) walls it off from interacting with the local site. How to fix? #openlike #facebook

~ # 13:38 ~

Steve Ivy

@JimRoepcke Yeah, this had neither. :-< #stillhaventfoundwhatimlookingfor

~ # 04:19 ~