monkinetic the blog

Posts tagged with 'to' (148 posts)

Steve Ivy

I can’t seem to find documentation on what content types #Mastodon supports in the actual “status” content. I’ve seen posts with inline links and basic formatting, but don’t know how to post them.

~ # 04:45 ~

Replying to a Mastodon post from the blog

Fedi/Mastodon programmers… with the #MastodonAPI, and given a url to a post on any instance (assuming I have access to the toot from my account), how might I get my instance to fetch it and give me a “local” ID that is suitable for passing as the “inReplyToID” in a toot payload?

Wondering if I need to:

Would that be the “local” ID?

#MastodonAPI #fediverse #programming #blogging #indieweb

#programming #blogging #indieweb #mastodonapi #fediverse

Update on Goldfrog

Over on Mastodon, @[email protected] said:

I’ll be excited to beta test another blogging platform. (Still a Tumblr nerd at heart.)

Unfortunately I’m not sure I’d inflict Goldfrog on anyone at this point. 🤣 However, it’s still fun to hack on, so here are some salient points:

My favorite features:

  • A Twitter-sized posting form right at the top of the home page for posting short notes, supports Markdown, has a character counter for fun
  • Posts support tags, and #hashtags in posts are auto-linked for searching by tag on the site
  • I have a separate posting form I can use for longer posts
  • Posts can be syndicated to Mastodon, POSSE-style

As for running Goldfrog, it’s just a Go binary running off a config file, a theme directory, and a directory of content. There’s a separate tool for indexing posts from the filesystem into sqlite (usually only done when installing or updating from git).

  • Runs on a DO droplet, currently deployed with ansible
  • The only “admin” functionality is posting and editing posts, everything else is editing a config in git. “Admin” is based on a security-through-obscurity login url and a hardcoded user and password in the configs. This is dumb ;) and I’m experimenting with supporting Gitlab OAUth for login.
  • Posts are stored in git as Markdown files with yaml headers
  • posts are read into a SQLite db for serving and searching

I enjoy hacking on Goldfrog, and sure I’d like it if someone had a barebones product like it, but I have no interest in supporting either an actual open-source product, or running an entire damn “platform”. 💜

#goldfrog #blogging #mastodon #indieweb #hashtags

Atopia, a poem


Archiving our anxious fears as precious artifact
We make a Story
Stripped to bare words encoding our natures faiths and selves
These and all in grit and grim warning 

Bleak grey hued rough hewn the view from future's window
Staring eyes in hope forlorn
Dust and ash the gifts our benefactors leave in progress' wake
Every memory and bright treasure stripped melted for coin

Mechanized servant eaters of all growing green feeling loving things
If not fled are fed
The shining things from heart head and gut once born now consumed
Our inner voice fed back become lies so sterile and ape'd

Semi-sentient vastly parasitic the collectives cancerous intent to only grow 
Choked full on us it is us in the mill in the dirty grist
The fluttering trembling lights only ours to give are drowned in grasping dark

In mirrored certainty the self-satisfied boast ignorance toast ignorance
Read our troubled Story and see

#poetry #creativity #dystopia #ai

On the Fedi and Viral Content

When people praise the lack of #viral content on Mastodon (or the #fediverse in general), it’s seems to be mostly white tech folks, happy for our clever bubbles to be left alone.

But for people who desperately need to be seen and heard, going viral on Twitter is one of the only ways for their stories to get told. #BlackLivesMatter, oppression in the middle east, genocides in Rwanda and South Asia, the #metoo movement – these movements couldn’t be ignored because they grew fast and visibly, making it hard for them to be ignored, dismissed, or covered up.

The Fediverse as it exists right now would see these movements isolated, defederated, gated by content warnings, and probably DDOS’d by bad actors running malicious instances. (“Mal-odons”?)

I guess right now I don’t want to see posts and think pieces about how “content can’t go viral” on the Fediverse (whether or not it’s true) is only a net-positive. For all its faults Twitter has been a positive force for social change and visibility in millions of people’s lives.

We must learn from it and ask how — if we are going to make a case for the Fediverse as an alternative to Twitter — we can be better while not throwing those of us in the most need back to the wolves.

#twitter #twittermigration #fediverse #virality #viral #blacklivesmatter #metoo

Time for bi-yearly web presence maintenance

What with Twitter (aka birdsite, hellsite, muskosite) flailing in the clammy hands of Dr. No, and interest in the federated web re-emerging, I figured it was time to review my own web presence and see what was the situation.

Dear reader, it was Not Good.

Warning one was hitting this site from my work network and getting a BitDefender screen of doom saying the site was serving a keylogger. NOT GOOD.

Then the site - which was hosted on Linode and runs my own homegrown blog software, Goldfrog - went completely down. After some “where did those ssh keys get to, where is this thing anyway” I got logged in and figured out that my server had been hacked in some way, TLS and letsencrypt removed. I haven’t had time to troll the logs for evidence as to how the server was accessed, but I downloaded them and have them set aside to look later.

We Can Rebuild It

Thus entered a week of figuring out once again how the heck Monkinetic is built and deployed, migrating the code from Github to Gitlab (which I’m more familiar with due to $dayjob), and refactoring the Ansible code that builds the server and deploys the blog/content.

Finally today I got it 85% done, which is pretty good for a full migration between hosting providers (I also moved from Linode to Digital Ocean where I already have some other services).


With the insanity on Twitter, I logged back into my Mastodon account on and enjoyed the huge stream of new folks migrating from Twitter to federated platforms (mostly to since that’s the first/largest instance, but folks are making their way from there to smaller instances as they get more comfortable).

Apparently Mastodon 4.0 is out (release candidate) and they’ve changed the annoying-until-it-was-gone “Toot” to “Publish”. I’d have preferred “Post” myself, but 🤷‍♀️.

Maybe servers should just change it to suit their audience?

#devops #blogging #socialmedia #federation #mastodon #goldfrog

The inventors of techno are also black americans

Detroit, early 1980s, techno is invented by three friends who happen to be black:

High school friends Juan Atkins, Kevin Saunderson, and Derrick May, known as the Belleville Three, are known as the creators of techno music. Kevin Saunderson is the person who made sure techno music got to the masses by 1983.

The History of Techno Music from Black Music Scholar

Techno came out of Detroit in the 1980’s as underground dance music and subculture. Techno music took technology and made it a black secret.

The three tracks linked on that page would play in any house club today. I’d’ve danced the crap outta these when I was clubbing. HT to for suggesting I google “black inventor techno”.

#blackhistory #musichistory #erasure

(I may or may not be chairdancing to Tranzister right now)

#musichistory #erasure

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

I knew the term “grandfathered in” had to do something with #voting and #racism but this story really explains the #history thanks @lmorchard

~ # 18:34 ~

Steve Ivy

Stupid old man went and made a #TikTok

~ # 16:35 ~

Steve Ivy

Post Activity in Mastodon - to show or not to show

For the most part I appreciate the design decision that the #mastodon developers made to not show reply/boost/fave numbers on the feed lists, because it puts more focus on the content and less on gaming an algorithm for popularity or “engagement”.

but I also realize that this makes it harder to know if there are responses! For example, this post by Jun on #playviscious actually has an interesting thread that I’m learning from, but nothing in the UI signifies that there is more content to find connected to the post.

I wonder if there could be an additional affordance in the #UI that there are replies (boosts and faves not so much)?

#ui #mastodon #playviscious

Steve Ivy

Looks Familiar (uspol)

Via old friend Jim Roepcke, from 2006:

Jacob G. Hornberger: How Hitler Became a Dictator:

But how many people know how Hitler actually became a dictator? My bet is, very few. I’d also bet that more than a few people would be surprised at how he pulled it off, especially given that after World War I Germany had become a democratic republic.

Although the National Socialists never captured more than 37 percent of the national vote, and even though they still held a minority of cabinet posts and fewer than 50 percent of the seats in the Reichstag, Hitler and the Nazis set out to consolidate their power. With Hitler as chancellor, that proved to be a fairly easy task.

I read this back when Jim first posted it in 2006, and a couple of times since, and it’s even more apropos today.

“Those cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”probably George Santaya

#history #nazism

Steve Ivy

Coda Hale on Work

Blogging is bookmarking – I scanned this post by Coda Hale and want to spend some more time with it.

Work Is Work

In which returns diminish

#work #enterprise #to-read

~ # 17:33 ~

Steve Ivy

Goldfrog: cross-posting to Mastodon works

Ooooooh, yeah #goldfrog #mastodon

~ # 21:13 ~

Steve Ivy

see if this is processed on as well #bloging #mastodon

~ # 00:00 ~

Steve Ivy

Ooooooh, yeah #goldfrog #mastodon Shot 2020-01-09 at 11.47.08 AM.png

Thanks to go-mastodon this was super easy.

~ # 00:00 ~

Steve Ivy

“kids these days and their craptainers. in my day we had ftp and cron and we liked it!” #getoffmylawn #oldsters

~ # 23:50 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @MaxCCurtis: For #DoctorWhoDay’s 56th, I want to celebrate one woman in particular. Delia Derbyshire literally began Dr Who: the very f…

~ # 02:25 ~

Steve Ivy

Anyone used #lektor for a blog with a large number of posts?

I’m finding the pagination process to be really really slow (5ish seconds per 10-post “page” and my blog has 2100+ posts). It takes 8-10 (or more) minutes per build.

~ # 19:10 ~

The Revolution Will Be Federated

Much has been made lately about Twitter having become a trashfire, with rampant trolling and abuse of women, monitories, and non white-dude-being folks. Being a white dude in tech, I was generally ignorant of the direction things were going, as my timeline was mostly other white dudes in tech congratulating themselves for their cleverness.

Around the time that GamerGate was blowing up, I made the concious decision to start following a larger variety of people on Twitter, in an effort to break out of the cocoon I found myself in. One day I need to write a post about that, but this is not that post.

This post is about how I discovered that, while I wasn’t looking, an alternative began growing up from its very nerdy roots and is becoming something real people could - and should - use.

Life In The Silo

The major social media sites - Twitter, Facebook - are commonly referred to as silos - great collections of content with few connections to the outside world. Content flows in from users (and the web) but not out again.

The picture I’ve recently started forming is the Dystopian Underground Community from the science fiction genre: The Haves live near the surface, in the Silo’s highest levels, blessed by light and air (and attention). The Have-Nots live below, garnering less and less light from the source, instead inheriting the castoffs and scraps dropping from the levels above them. The Upper-Midlevels can still see the light clearly, pretending that they are not dependent on the goodwill of the Haves for access, and pretending that there are not hundreds of levels of population below, struggling for life.


The residents in the Midlevels are used to life in the twilight, move in their circles of family and friends, and have grown to believe that making a life from the hand-me-downs from above is normal. They know of the lower levels, they depend on services that the residents there provide from time to time, but are convinced that either life there is not so bad, the residents are living in the dark by choice, or the worst: believe that they have earned the right to the light, rather than being born to it, and those below somehow don’t deserve access.

The further one’s social circle gets from the dominant Haves, the deeper into The Below, the harder life in the silo becomes. The Below is rife with roving gangs of trolls, descending even from the Midlevels where they live in relative comfort, to harass and abuse the citizens struggling to make ends meet on the scraps of attention and spaces left to them by the Haves and those in The Above. The trolls have little to fear from The Below, save the reminder that they too are Below - somon else. And perhaps it is that thought that drives them to stand on walkways and corners, hurling insults and petty self-justifications at the passing residents.

The Silo is a terrible place for those not born into, or assigned to, the upper levels. Fortunately, there is hope: The federated Colonies…

The Colonies

Out on the surface, separated from the Silo, a new set of colonies is being built. Each colony is self-sufficient, with resources for every inhabitant, and attention to spare. Some are small - just a few tens or hundreds of inhabitants. Others are massive, home to hundreds of thousands of residents. Here the domed and towered structures bask in the light, with a vitality and energy long since lost in the Silo.

Domed colonies

The colonies are home to nearly a million former residents of the Silo. Some still descend into the Silo to visit family, friends, and invite others to the colony. Some have moved permanently, homesteading a new network of sheltered structures here. These colonies are a federation - communication and residents move freely from one to the other, local administrators making sure that their respective codes of conduct are maintained, provide space and facilities for the residents, and coordinate relationships with the other colonies. Residents find a colony of likeminded individuals, and can move from colony to colony as desired, with some paperwork to transfer residency.

This isn’t a utopia; there are always disagreements - we’re human after all - and adminstrative conflicts have led to colonies disassociating with one another. But here on the surface they are free to do choose their connections, joining and leaving the federation as desired.

Leaving the Silo

If Twitter and Facebook are the Silos, blessing the privileged while taking advantage of the Outsider and the Other, the Colonies can be found in the federated web, the open social networks - sites like Mastodon, Diaspora, Friendica, and GNU Social.

Mastodon in particular has established itself as a viable alternative to the murky depths of the Silo. With a million-plus users spread over more than a 1000 instances, each server, or colony, is a full-fledged social network, with users posting, sharing, following, and liking each other’s content. But more than that, each user can remotely follow users in other servers, bringing new viewpoints and content into their space.

A federation of servers

Is a migration to federated social media sites going to break the power fo the Silos? No. There are enough users happy to be near their friends and family, or eager to harangue and harass those in The Below, while jealously eyeing The Above.

But maybe some at every level of the Silo will find themselves looking for something better, a place with something for everyone, a system that is not designed to entrap and enclose them, and make them subservient to the whims of execs and advertisers.

The Revolution will be Federated.

  • Tunnel image by Ishutani
  • Colony image by Ken Fairclough
  • The Silo concept was partially inspired by Hugh Howey’s book WOOL

#federation #social media #mastodon #twitter

Steve Ivy

finally got around to subscribing to the #ggautoblocker. Thanks @freebsdgirl! A quieter timeline!

~ # 01:24 ~

Steve Ivy

Ok, The googlez is not helping: what’s an MRA?


~ # 15:48 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @srhbutts: #StopGamerGate2014

the “beat up sarkeesian” game guy is welcome in #gamergate because he “did nothing wrong.”…

~ # 15:09 ~

Steve Ivy

She has experienced the typical belittling of female gamers, and wants to start speaking out. Proud of her. #StopGamerGate2014

~ # 00:28 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

RT @SecretGamerGrrl: #StopGamerGate2014 because they’ve spent years at this and plan to spread it around like this h…

~ # 15:49 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @sarawezzie: No woman should suffer threats of death, violence and rape from any man for daring to voice an opinion #stopgamergate

~ # 15:07 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @ClaireRousseau: Men are afraid women that will disagree with them about video games. Women are afraid that men will kill them. #StopGam

~ # 14:55 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @tortoiseontour: #StopGamerGate2014 because this is what the owner of 8chan has to say about doxxing:

~ # 18:13 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @D_M_Gregory: Since there seems to be some confusion: #StopGamerGate2014

~ # 16:46 ~

Steve Ivy

@wilw I need you cool. Are you cool? #photoshopwilwheaton

~ # 03:52 ~

Steve Ivy

I really hate this show, can’t reach the remote control #MandatoryFun

~ # 17:18 ~

Steve Ivy

I’m outta shape, fattening up #MandatoryFun

~ # 17:17 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @alyankovic: WORLD PREMIERE! New music video #WordCrimes up now!! #MandatoryFun #8videos8days

~ # 15:39 ~

Steve Ivy

Once again, @alyankovic is my guide to music the kids are digging. #royals #foil #MandatoryFun

~ # 14:12 ~

Steve Ivy

SO YOU KNOW I’M OLD: I really hoped @alyankovic’s Inactive was a The Firm parody #mandatoryfun

~ # 13:36 ~

Steve Ivy

HAVE FUN NOW: Weird Al sells copies of songs he parodies for sure #radioactive #inactive #mandatoryfun

~ # 13:33 ~

Steve Ivy

Can almost hear Kim Deal on First World Problems #weirdal #mandatoryfun

~ # 12:21 ~

Steve Ivy

@davewiner no pics from my iPhone are loading in full background. Help me Obi-Wan, you’re my only hope! #littlecardeditor

~ # 15:50 ~

Steve Ivy

I’ve never been freaked out about the danger of motorcycles, but after this am I might be. #motocross

~ # 20:39 ~

Steve Ivy

Who wants to pay shipping for a working Newton MessagePad 120 with all the bits and bobs? #apple #newtonforever

~ # 00:41 ~

Steve Ivy

OH @ home, friend to my son: “I want to be sharktopus!” #sharktopus

~ # 22:44 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @grantimahara: I immediately thought Dalek too, even before reading the text. #DoctorWho

~ # 21:12 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @markboxapp: Current Status: writing export/import scripts for the transition to the new Markbox. So. Excited. #countdowntonewbeta

~ # 05:32 ~

Steve Ivy

@nimby First G.I. Joe, now Bad Boys 2. #cartoons :P

~ # 03:06 ~

Steve Ivy

I’ll give Tornado.template this: allowing {% end %} instead of {% end<tag> %} is nice. #python #tornado #jinja2

~ # 20:10 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

I’m starting a new journey, into metal sculpture. Photos of a work in progress. #hackingatoms #sculpture

~ # 04:28 ~

Steve Ivy

Ah, some quality time with an angle grinder. #whatthedoctorordered

~ # 21:14 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @markboxapp: Apparently Writebox/Chrome works well with @markboxapp: #greatcustomers #markbox /cc @neilboyd

~ # 14:03 ~

Steve Ivy

Sad that AppEngine is so hard to monitor #monitoringlove

~ # 00:14 ~

Steve Ivy

The discussion at stremorhq has turned to all things #doctorwho, as befits a room of nerds.

~ # 20:11 ~

Steve Ivy

“You have successfully purchased ‘Dinosaurs on a Spaceship’” #thedoctor

~ # 05:29 ~

Steve Ivy

What are you guys using for app stats on AppEngine? #statsd #monitoring

~ # 16:01 ~

Steve Ivy

Firing up my first non-headless vagrant box, for linux (ubuntu maverick) browser testing. I’m afraid. #linuxonthedesktop

~ # 21:41 ~

Steve Ivy

Without reading #adamicognito, I figured out @donttrythis would be the Nazgul, based on his clue. His sword was mentioned on Untitled Show.

~ # 12:46 ~

Steve Ivy

Learning new Sublime Text tricks. Approaching TextMate in terms of nerdy fun. BBEdit still a stalwart, but not as kb-driven. #toomanyeditors

~ # 15:49 ~

Steve Ivy

Ugh… O’Brien. #downtonabbey

~ # 05:01 ~

Steve Ivy

I do hope someone stakes O’Brien and wraps her in garlic. #downtonabbey

~ # 05:38 ~

Steve Ivy

in Chandler, @planetsub is my new lunch spot. Amazing toasted subs, like something from back East. #dagwoodsdreamnotomato

~ # 20:38 ~

Steve Ivy

“Creating a new box… This will take a while. No, Vagrant doesn’t give you a progress bar. Yes, this sucks.” #automatevagrant

~ # 17:29 ~

Steve Ivy

Just created a local mysql db with user ‘spudnik’. #potatorace

~ # 21:26 ~

Steve Ivy

Writing a blog post on Chef, Vagrant and Fabric. #allthetoys

~ # 17:03 ~

Steve Ivy

@obfuscurity FF 10? You’re so last week. #minegoesto11

~ # 23:29 ~

Steve Ivy

@evanpro the term is Old School. #getoffmylawn

~ # 00:21 ~

Steve Ivy

“…keep catching that butterfly, in that dream of mine…” The Verve on pre-launch bug fixing. #musictoworryby

~ # 15:43 ~

Steve Ivy

#StopCensorship: Ask Senator Wyden to read your name during filibuster of censorship bill: via @demandprogress

~ # 17:21 ~

Steve Ivy

I just added my name to protect the Web as we know it with @Mozilla. Join me!! #StopSOPA

~ # 15:25 ~

Steve Ivy

Hey - if I want email notifications, I’ll ask for them. #stop

~ # 14:55 ~

Steve Ivy

God bless you Boy…. #saygoodbyetowendellg

~ # 20:24 ~

Steve Ivy

So, now I just have to learn nginx, unicorn, and chef. #everybodystopmoving #djangocon

~ # 00:00 ~

Steve Ivy

Apparently my iPhone can autocomplete #damnyouautocorrect

~ # 02:38 ~

Steve Ivy

@steveivy @dbounds #damnyouautocorrect LinkedIn

~ # 23:49 ~

Steve Ivy

Holy crap, someone at @github forked my node stated client. #ohgodnowihavetosupportit

~ # 03:53 ~

Steve Ivy

Hm, an activity streams implementation with no ATOM, JSON, or hAtom version. #forked #workcutoutforme

~ # 01:33 ~

Steve Ivy

No, I can’t believe I misspelled bassline either. Oh wait #damnyouautocorrect

~ # 00:13 ~

Steve Ivy

They’re going to build a shop where we can go and buy bolts and screws #hardwarestore

~ # 16:06 ~

Steve Ivy

Kids laughing hysterically at 70s era nature documentary showing African animals drunk on overripe fruit. #animalsarepeopletoo

~ # 19:19 ~

Steve Ivy

@siracusa No, you need Liquid Metal for that. #terminator

~ # 17:14 ~

Steve Ivy

Apple should name their next OS “System XI” #backtothefuture

~ # 00:02 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @kevinmarks: Don’t trust @BBCAmerica to show #DoctorWho without buggering it up? iTunes is an option:

~ # 20:58 ~

Steve Ivy

“I’m being really clever up here and there’s no one standing around looking all impressed. What the point of having you all?” #thedoctor

~ # 17:59 ~

Steve Ivy

Will Doctor Who (BBC America) be on iTunes (oh god PLEASE SAY YES) #thedoctor #amypond

~ # 16:02 ~

Steve Ivy

read about FizzBuzz and had to make sure I could write it. time: about 3 minutes. #toolong #forgotastep

~ # 00:02 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

I know I’m late to the party, but I loved David Tennant as the Doctor and I’m having a little trouble accepting Matt Smith. #eleventhdoctor

~ # 23:01 ~

Steve Ivy

OMG Letterpress. Yes, I used this back in the day. #youkidsgetoffmylawn

~ # 17:05 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @vvuksan: Folks at @etsy keep releasing more #monitoring goodness. -> Logster

~ # 16:45 ~

Steve Ivy

Walk It Back #rem #collapseintonow

~ # 19:30 ~

Steve Ivy

Opening notes of Discoverer are great opening notes for an album. #rem #collapseintonow

~ # 19:03 ~

Steve Ivy

If I rock out to Mine Tastes Like Honey any harder, I’m going to fall out of my chair. #rem #collapseintonow

~ # 19:31 ~

Steve Ivy consistently plays great Trance. #musictohackby

~ # 15:54 ~

Steve Ivy

#REM ’s Überlin is fast becoming my favorite of the new songs #collapseintonow

~ # 20:09 ~

Steve Ivy

damn, sourdough makes good toast (no. I don’t live in SF). #toast

~ # 17:45 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

Apparently Fresh n Easy saves you money by hiring no staff #ghosttown

~ # 20:55 ~

Steve Ivy

Kids watching Jim Carrey’s Grinch movie, and I swear I just saw a scene where he looks like the Salt Vampire #startrektos

~ # 22:12 ~

Steve Ivy

Fun fact: @statusnet names their releases after R.E.M. songs. current release: “Man on the Moon”. #tooawesomeforwords

~ # 15:35 ~

Steve Ivy

i imagine that arrow-key navigation on the new(ish) flickr photo page has increased “browsing” behavior by about 5000% #tooeasydrillseargent

~ # 23:40 ~

Steve Ivy

@grantimahara Kari installing burst discs? the area will shortly be a DANGER ZONE. #highwaytothemythbusters

~ # 21:00 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

brilliant, Apple, for scaling the iOS UI by changing the nXn grid, not the icon sizes. #ipodnanotouch

~ # 17:39 ~

Steve Ivy

That guy in the next cubical whistling along to Rush? That’s me. Well, if I worked in a cubicle it would be. #trynottoloseyourgrip

~ # 16:52 ~

Steve Ivy

I know the Counting Crows were never a particularly good band, but dang if they’re not sing-along-able. #welcometomy90s

~ # 19:39 ~

Steve Ivy

@arxpoetica Dude, you cannot possibly be correct when my dentist and I agree. #octoberforever #u2

~ # 17:53 ~

Steve Ivy

@nerdist thanks!! you rocked it at #w00tstock 2.4 btw.

~ # 18:32 ~

Steve Ivy

And thank you to everyone who came to #w00tstock on Thursday. What a great way to start out this amazing weekend! (via @wilw)

~ # 02:46 ~

Steve Ivy

@wilw thanks for signing a bunch of Trek gobbledegook for me when it was late and you were tired. You a mensch, sir! #w00tstock

~ # 02:45 ~

Steve Ivy

Remember, #w00tstock, all your tweets are (CC) :-)

~ # 03:02 ~

Steve Ivy

Just caught a glimpse of @donttrythis backstage. #w00tstock

~ # 02:58 ~

Steve Ivy

#w00tstock Grant Imahara is here!!

~ # 01:55 ~

Steve Ivy

The line at #w00tstock says hi to the Internet!

~ # 00:55 ~

Steve Ivy

Now headed to 4th and B for #w00tstock!!!

~ # 23:46 ~

Steve Ivy

printing #sdcc and #w00tstock tickets. w00000000000… tstock.

~ # 04:13 ~

Steve Ivy

I’m in Escondido tonight, then #sdcc and #w00tstock tomorrow! What’s the beat way to get to comic-con from Escondido?

~ # 04:00 ~

Steve Ivy

Leaving in a road trip to San Diego, Comic-Con, and #w00tstock!!

~ # 18:34 ~

Steve Ivy

#w00tstock doors open at 6:30 thu night. what time do I need to be in line? #nerdworldproblem

~ # 02:09 ~

Steve Ivy

#w00tstock tix purchased! #sdcc is a go. Looking forward to spending time with my people.

~ # 17:13 ~

Steve Ivy

2 minutes. #w00tstock

~ # 16:58 ~

Steve Ivy

Counting down to #w00tstock tickets (now, 18 or so minutes)

~ # 16:42 ~

Steve Ivy

watching #w00tstock videos to ramp up my already epileptic level of excitement.

~ # 19:40 ~

Steve Ivy

def need help interpreting #w00tstock show seating chart.

~ # 19:30 ~

Steve Ivy

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO San Deigo Comic-Con registration confirmed for Thu Jul 22. Next up, w00tstock! #w00tstock #sdcomiccon

~ # 19:22 ~

Steve Ivy

“This action prohibited by disc” #thingsthatneedtodie

~ # 00:03 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

another day, another set of bits to update for SnowLeopard. Today, ImageMagick and Image::Magick. #itsnotsupposedtobelikethis

~ # 19:59 ~

Steve Ivy

@brianoberkirch these sites are just click-traps, not “web” sites #needlesslyinflammatory

~ # 18:47 ~

Steve Ivy

RT: Advanced proof copies of #STORIES, by “A Who’s Who of contemporary literature” … (include @WmMorrowBks ) (via @neilhimself)

~ # 17:16 ~

Steve Ivy

Anyone tried to get a better calendar app into the app store? #apple #AppStore

~ # 01:05 ~

Steve Ivy

found it: deselect “zoom with scroll wheel” in general prefs, and use opt-scrollwheel to zoom #photoshop #cs4

~ # 19:07 ~

Steve Ivy

OS X #photoshop #CS4 users: is there a way to temporarily get “scrolling” with the mousewheel back? Or make zoom work with cmd-scrollwheel?

~ # 18:39 ~

Steve Ivy

I’m wearing my new giant autobot logo shirt. #autobotsrollout

~ # 02:36 ~

Steve Ivy

writing a feature technical spec as POD in the unit test file that demonstrates the feature’s feasibility. #tdd #elegance #tooclever

~ # 19:04 ~

Steve Ivy

re @gravity wow, I’m the cranky new guy, eh? #heykidsgetoffmylawn

~ # 23:07 ~

Steve Ivy

wow, removing 1MM+ files takes forever, even with rm -fr #toomanyfiles

~ # 17:25 ~

Steve Ivy

@gruber a web server @splorp could have only dreamed of back in the day. #newton

~ # 22:37 ~

Steve Ivy

installing #tiptop /cc @btrott

~ # 14:01 ~

Steve Ivy

“I can’t wait to see you start building with all this” – my wife re: the 48lbs of #lego. #musictomyears

~ # 19:53 ~

Steve Ivy

ugh. Monday. Morning. #twothingsthathategreattogether

~ # 15:10 ~

Steve Ivy

1kg of dead cow in the fridge, potatos about to go under the knife, cauliflower trembling on the corner #crueltofood

~ # 23:03 ~

Steve Ivy

Item on a family friend’s Christmas todo list: “blow up the gingerbread house” #crowningmomentofawesome #betterwithexplosives /cc @seanmctex

~ # 15:14 ~

Steve Ivy

getting my trippy danceradioglobal groove on this morning. #trance #techno #musictoreviewcodeby

~ # 13:27 ~