monkinetic the blog

Posts tagged with 'kids' (7 posts)

Steve Ivy

Watching Thriller video in line at Kings Dominion. 13-yo: “creepy” #kidsthesedays

~ # 20:10 ~

Steve Ivy

Summertime is almost enough to drive me back to an office #kidsinthehall #andoffice #andkitchen

~ # 17:58 ~

Steve Ivy

I hope I never see Swan Lake live, b/c I don’t think I’ll be able to imagine anyone but Barbieā„¢ playing the lead role. #kids

~ # 21:57 ~

Steve Ivy

OMG Letterpress. Yes, I used this back in the day. #youkidsgetoffmylawn

~ # 17:05 ~

Steve Ivy

just got to make an awesome Fat Albert joke in IRC. “why is mt::entry like a holiday? cause it’s got no ->class!” #russell #cosbykids

~ # 22:07 ~

Steve Ivy

@JimRoepcke I’m taking the 9yo to see that kids movie about dragons tomorrow, and I think I want to see it more than she does. #pshkidsmovie

~ # 04:55 ~

Steve Ivy

re @gravity wow, I’m the cranky new guy, eh? #heykidsgetoffmylawn

~ # 23:07 ~