monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Monday, Mar 30, 2015

☀️ Earliest posts come first.

Our English Cozies

AMC’s and HBO’s hits are all the rage for the hipsters on the Twitters, but Jodi and I prefer to curl up with a nice English cozy.

> Cozy mysteries, also referred to simply as “cozies”, are a subgenre of crime fiction in which sex and violence are downplayed or treated humorously, and the crime and detection take place in a small, socially intimate community.

Some of the series with which we’ve passed comfy nights:

  • Midsomer Murders: 11 seasons and counting - we did love us some Inspector Barnaby. :-)
  • Rosemary and Thyme: Gardening sleuths, a perfect example of the genre.
  • All the Morse/Lewis mysteries - Inspector Morse, Inspector Lewis (no longer on Netflix), and the Morse prequel series, Endeavor (iTunes).
  • Miss Fisher’s Mysteries: Phryne Fisher, Australian flapper and nosy, independently wealthy investigator (as many of the ameteur sleuths in these shows are :-) ).
  • Poirot, naturallement.