monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Saturday, Mar 29, 2003

☀️ Earliest posts come first.

Progress Report II

Whew. You know how you sit there, looking at your working code, thinking “I’m so glad it works. It works really well! But… it could be better… I wonder if instead of a bitmap I could get *resolution independent* ouput?”

Progress Report III

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Finally! It’s working, and I get to have a weekend! (I don’t know if I could have stopped if I hadn’t fixed this thing…) But seriously, I am so glad to have this script working. I really hate that admin-type stuff you have to do to get work - writing proposals, doing project plans, timelines, etc… This is going to save me a not-insubstantial amount of time, I’m hoping.

Speaks Her Mind

Jodi has been posting more and more lately to her site. She’s becoming quite the blogger. I knew it was inevitable when I heard her say the other day, with 5 minutes before walking out the door to work: “I need to go post to my website…”