monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Saturday, Feb 2, 2002

☀️ Earliest posts come first.


Check out Ditherati for a daily dose of inflated-hi-tech-ego-bubble-bursting. Their 3 weapons are wit, sarcasm, cynicism, and a near-invulerability to hype. Wait… their FOUR weapons are… oh nevermind.

Doc on Cox.Net

Doc Searls has been through some of the same connection hell that we have with Cox.Net. He’s still upbeat about it, while we’re pretty frustrated. I’m going to try some of his sugggestions, however, and try to remain calm. We’ve been mostly off-line for almost 10 days now.

Fonts on my mind...

While chatting with our in-house designer (and Baron Banner) we got onto the topic of our respective design backgrounds and consequently our ability to identify fonts in various ads, etc.

This got me thinking about my old habit of trawling through the old type foundries looking for cool fonts. My favs have always been from Emigre and FontFont. FontFont sells the font that the German gov’t adopted for their highway signage back in ‘96 or so…

I see naked people!

As The Apple Turns comments on reports that High Schoolers in Henrico County VA were caught using their new iBooks to download porn:

“if history has shown us anything, it’s that if you give a teenager any technology more advanced than a rubber band and one of those little plastic things that holds the bread bag closed, said teenager, regardless of IQ or innate technical ability, will suddenly turn into MacGyver and find some way to use that technology to look at pictures of naked people.”

Sad but FUNNY.