monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Sunday, Oct 14, 2001

☀️ Earliest posts come first.

Creating the backstory

(I’m ready to change my whole label system, so a lot of stuff these days is going into “Personal Ramblings because I don’t have categories anymore for what I want to say. I think I’m going to simplify my categories, and use keywords to group similar postings.)

Garage Man

I’ve spent the better part of today (and I do mean it was better ;-)) out in the soon-to-be-no-longer-mine garage, cleaning and packing and seperating the valuable shit from the ditritus. The valuable stuff get’s either packed or put into the moving-sale pile. The ditritus goes into the Big Black Can. Rockin out to the radio (oh god for a portable MP3 player) and futzing around the garage. Heaven.