monkinetic the blog

Posts tagged with 'OOM' (8 posts)

Steve Ivy

So, I guess running jenkins on a 512 Linode wasn’t that great an idea #OOM #javahog

~ # 05:24 ~

Steve Ivy

Learning new Sublime Text tricks. Approaching TextMate in terms of nerdy fun. BBEdit still a stalwart, but not as kb-driven. #toomanyeditors

~ # 15:49 ~

Steve Ivy

@newsycombinator Wanna prove you’re a co-founder? Make something, sell it. #BOOM

~ # 21:10 ~

Steve Ivy

Wow, so, computer asplode, BBEdit picks up as if nothing happened, including re-opening all files from 2 diff sftp servers. #BOOM

~ # 19:36 ~

Steve Ivy

@ethank I await the advent of the blipvert #maxheadroom

~ # 17:58 ~

Steve Ivy

wow, removing 1MM+ files takes forever, even with rm -fr #toomanyfiles

~ # 17:25 ~

Steve Ivy

@chrismessina I feel like a victim in a #maxheadroom movie.

~ # 15:50 ~

Steve Ivy

@mattgemmell this is scarily close to the PADD. #meetmeinmyreadyroom

~ # 20:25 ~