monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Tuesday, Oct 1, 2002

☀️ Earliest posts come first.

Everyone's going in Drag

[via Michael McCracken - Weblog ] > <<<BLOCKQUOTE: …A key part of this is the simple things like making sure drag-and-drop and copy-and-paste work between all these different apps.I agree. Brent’s RSS clipboard format spec looks solid, and will definitely be a useful contribution. I dragged the above quote from NetNewsWire into Blapp, which doesn’t use Brent’s clipboard format (but works for me). My question to Blapp users is this: would it be worthwhile to add support for this? >>> (link)

Sid Prefs

I’m seriously considering implementing an application preferences system in Sid, using Apple’s built in NSUserDefaults system. Candidates for prefs:

  • Load conversation labels when opening the document
  • Open most recent document upon application launch
  • Enable/disable spell check