monkinetic the blog

Posts tagged with 'mac' (22 posts)

An Education for Settlers on Indigenous Peoples Day

Yehuda Rothschild republished (with permission) a presentation by Lara A Jacobs, Mvskoke citizen and Native scientist, on settler colonialism - what is it, what is colonization, what happened when settlers (in North America) arrived.

The whole thing is excellent, and I hope there’s a video version, or one is done one day.

Some particular points I want to mention/synthesize:

Colonization is not a historical event, but a continuous process that requires ongoing support through social and legal systems and institutional violence.

Colonization doesn’t just mean moving in and kicking out indiginous people, though it definitely means that. It’s also continued occupation of their “lands, waters, and environments”, the forced breakup of families and communities through unjust and cruel laws and foster systems, the intentional obliteration of native peoples’ languages, cultural practices, and value systems (often through forced fostering and the original residential homes).

We (the White European Settlers) operated – and still operate – under a value system and ideologies that are manifestly destructive (the following is quoted):

  • Conquer and defeat their surroundings
  • Biases against undeveloped areas
  • Associated uncivilized areas with evil
  • Commodity-based utilitarianism (e.g., extractive practices)
  • Extraction of ‘natural resources’ (e.g., forest products, marine fisheries, mining, etc.)
  • Capitalism

All of these in direct opposition to the beliefs, ideologies, and practices of Native cultures and communities, which had been existing largely in balance with their environments for many thousands of years before settlers arrived.

There is much much more in the slides that were shared and I’m grateful to Lara and Yehuda both for making these available.

#education #colonialism #settlercolonialism #whitesupremacy

Steve Ivy

From Mastodon:

…one of the best things I ever did (about 6-7 years ago now) was look for POC voices on Twitter to follow. I did the same here. But it was intentional because I was learning how small my bubble was, and it has made a huge difference in how I understand the world.

#intentionality #empathy #racism #whitesupremacy

~ # 13:00 ~

Steve Ivy

learning new things about #zsh #macos #catalina

~ # 16:53 ~

Steve Ivy

Swiping #Macos Spaces feels very #scifi on a curved monitor #swoosh

~ # 23:14 ~


Now that I’m blogging more often, I often find myself uploading screenshots. MacOS’ capabilities are fine, except that I don’t really like uploading files with names like “Screen Shot 2020-02-10 at 10.38.34 PM”.

Yesterday I asked:

Are there any #macos screenshot utilities that will simply let me name the file before saving it? (My needs are simple, the OS’ own utility is quite sufficient except for the name thing)

My old Six Apart mate Simon Wistow mentioned Monosnap a free utility that does exactly that - lets me name the file before saving it.

(Conveniently, it also make recording gif screen captures stupid easy)

#screenshots #blogging #macos

Steve Ivy

Are there any #Macos screenshot utilities that will simply let me name the file before saving it? (My needs are simple, the OS’ own utility is quite sufficient except for the name thing)

~ # 05:49 ~

Steve Ivy

“Giorgio by moroder”: acid trip-funk? #daftpunk #randomaccessmemories

~ # 00:24 ~

Steve Ivy

Can Etsy’d logster run on OS X? I can’t find a logtail package for Mac. #devops #macops #graphite #kickass

~ # 03:12 ~

Steve Ivy

I just saw a youngster with a rattail. #hottubtimemachine

~ # 18:18 ~

Steve Ivy

Totally appreciating the verse that says “if a man would be a leader, let him first manage his children”. #diplomacy

~ # 16:38 ~

Steve Ivy

“But Vim has only two modes – ‘beep repeatedly’ and ‘break everything’.” #emacs #wehavealwaysbeenatwarwithvi

~ # 13:16 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

hello @gawker? “Apple’s Worst Security Breach” in the headline, but “AT&T closed the security hole”? #bittermuch #hitmachine

~ # 22:10 ~

Steve Ivy

multi-file search in emacs: m-x find-grep-dired #emacs #oldisnewagain

~ # 14:44 ~

Steve Ivy

learning way more than I intended about how macports works. #macports #perl #dbi #whygodwhy

~ # 22:25 ~

Steve Ivy

2 macs (250gb drives), a 1tb USB2 external drive; Time Machine or Super Dooper? #mac #backup

~ # 17:39 ~

Steve Ivy

(cont’d) …but emacs has so many hooks. And I do love me some hooks. #emacs #mygoditsfullofparentheses

~ # 05:25 ~

Steve Ivy

demoing mt-mode at work today #emacs #movabletype #perl

~ # 16:32 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

mt-mode gains mt-run-test #emacs #movabletype

~ # 19:24 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

trying out aquamacs. at least has novelty going for it so far. that, and yasnippet. #emacs #newb

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