It's been a crazy road with more hair-pulling and teeth-gnashing than I had hoped, but I've scheduled the final set of invites for Markbox. Anyone who had signed up as of tonight to be notified will be sent an invite in the morning.
The hardest part of this for me is turning on Billing. Markbox has operating expenses that I need to recouop a little bit of so it can keep going, so Markbox is now $6/mo. through the end of the Beta. How much it will be thereafter remains to be seen. I have some ideas but I'm not going to commit to anything right now.
It's nearly midnight. I'm excited and exhausted. Those who say you can build and launch as web product on the side these days is technically, but not practically, correct. It's amazingly hard and after months and months working on this I'm still embarassed at some parts of it.
But I'm not going to let this stop me.