monkinetic the blog

Posts tagged with 'design' (6 posts)

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

RT @musHo: It’s #art if it can’t be explained. It’s #fashion if no one asks for an explanation. It’s #design if it doesn’t need explanation.

~ # 04:39 ~

Steve Ivy

HE SAID GRID SYSTEM #wwdc #design

~ # 18:21 ~

Steve Ivy

Since I don’t have a dribbbbbble invite…

What do you think? #markboxapp #design #makethelogobigger

~ # 23:28 ~

Steve Ivy

Check out Keynotopia: mobile and web UI #design templates for Keynote and PowerPoint. #UX #mockups via @amirkhella

~ # 16:28 ~

Steve Ivy

Telling the truth about shortlinks: #statusnet #identica #twitter #ux #design

~ # 21:44 ~