The Monkinetic Weblog

circa 2024


Resume - R. Steven Ivy

About Me

Skilled Senior Software Engineer, building and maintaining full-stack web applications, APIs and complex data systems that prioritize user experience, efficiency, and the needs of the organization at every level.

Specialized in Python, REST API design, backend systems, data pipelines, and databases, I create efficient, maintainable, and innovative solutions for market research, financial, and technology companies. An advocate for users, open standards and tools, developer experience and system transparency.


Steve is not only a brilliant developer, but also a very kind person and a lot easy to work with. His humility and his curiosity are some of his secret ingredients to continuously improve himself - I remember him always engaging positively in conversations from a position not of a "know-it-all" engineer, but someone willing to share information with his colleagues.

-- Diogo Baeder Software Engineering Leader | Software Architect at YouGov


Steve's experience in data engineering was evident in the quality of his work and his ability to tackle complex challenges with ease. He was always eager to embark on new projects, bringing a proactive and enthusiastic approach to every task. His willingness to come forward with innovative ideas and suggestions greatly contributed to the success of our projects and the overall growth of our team.

I valued his insights and appreciated his commitment to continuous improvement. His ability to think strategically and execute effectively made a significant impact on our work.

-- André Pedroso, Senior Software Engineering Manager at YouGov


  • Web application/API Architecture & Design
  • Data Engineering
  • Python, Javascript, linux shell
  • Web Frameworks (FastAPI, Flask, Django)
  • Databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB)
  • Web Servers (Ngnix, Gunicorn)
  • Message Broker/Queue (RabbiMQ, Redis)
  • NoSQL (MongoDB, Redis)
  • Logging/NoSQL (Elasticsearch. ELK stack)
  • CI/CD, Git, Github, Github APIs, Gitlab
  • REST and Cloud APIs

Work Experience

Senior Python Engineer, YouGov, Inc. — 2019 - Present

YouGov is a leading company in online opinion polling and market research.

Senior Python Engineer, Research Platforms, Sampling

Worked with a team of engineers and product managers building and maintaining the internal applications and data stores that enabled research staff to create and manage highly targeted surveys that gather opinion data from millions of panelists. Designed and delivered web applications supporting operational users and microservice APIs and clients supporting multiple interdependent systems in the larger organization.

Notable Projects

  • Designed and led development of a high-profile feature at the intersection of technology and operations and platform product. The feature was designed to detect, alert, and escalate anti-patterns by internal operational users that had a direct or negative impact on end users.
  • Refactored core code responsible for matching panelists to surveys as a more object-oriented library. Made the functionality extensible, more maintainable, and easier to reason about and to test. As a result, several algorithm improvements were delivered, faster, with improved reliability.
  • Software archaeology - investigated and documented existing architecture and system logic for the entire panelist/survey matching system. Published detailed information and system diagramss to the internal wiki. Gave a presentation on the system and critical points of understanding during internal cross-team developer conference.
  • Contributed many QOL improvements to the development tooling on the team.

Skills: Python, FastAPI, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Git/Gitlab, Docker, CI/CD pipelines, Elasticsearch, monitoring

Senior Python Engineer, Research Platforms, Data Engineering

Helped lead the Data Engineering team in designing and implementing a data warehouse on the Snowflake platform. Proposed and selected tools and designed the SDLC for code and pipeline delivery. Built ingestion and transformation pipelines on Apache Airflow responsible for replicating millions of rows of data per day into the warehouse and build datasets supporting further analysis.

  • Worked with product and database engineers to determine source data sets, data integrity/cleaning requirements, and warehouse data models. Partnered with other team leads to source datasets.
  • Built streaming solution for real-time data feeds using RabbitMQ, Amazon S3, Snowflake, Snowpipe, and Airflow.
  • Designed DAG library enabling partner teams to deliver custom DAGs.
  • Designed an implemented DBT-based data tooling for data warehouse. Designed dynamic Airflow DAGs to perform scheduled transformations of replicated data; trained database programmers in the development and maintenance of DBT models.

_Skills: Python, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, AWS (S3, Lambda, CLoudformation), Snowflake client and SQL, Git/Gitlab, Docker, CI/CD pipelines, Jupyterlab?_

Senior Web Developer, Wells Fargo, Chandler AZ — 2014 - 2019

Web Developer / SME (WD6) and Feature Team lead in the IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)/Private Cloud organization.

  • Worked with a team of 8-10 developers, representing the team to internal customers and Agile process teams. Assisted product owners in capturing requirements from stakeholders, designed and implemented solutions. Led technical discussions with engineering team and provided implementation guidance.
  • Developed a web application, query interfaces and REST API to capture and query VM provisioning activity across 7 data centers and 14 private cloud instances. This activity data encompassed both infrastructure and on-VM orchestration activity, and provided critical data visibility to operations and engineering staff. Additionally supported reporting for data analysis and management. At the time this system handled data on 65000+ servers, roughly 22M events.
  • Developed web application and API that stores business data from multiple systems of record within the enterprise and makes this data available to private cloud integrations, ensuring that cloud assets are linked to internal business systems.

Skills: Python, MySQL, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, OpenStack APIs, REST APIs and clients, Git/Github, CI/CD with Jenkins, TDD (test-driven development), Agile methodologies

Web Developer, Fastly, San Fransisco, CA — 2013

Web Developer in the application engineering team. Responsibilities included: Design and Development of web applications and web services, development and maintenance of Fastly service UI and sales support as required.

  • Built an out-of-band System Status application to track and report Fastly overall service status for communicating internally and to customers. Built customer-facing UI, admin UI, status and update API, Python client library, and integrations with company IRC (Python, Google AppEngine).
  • Develop new features for Fastly UI (Ruby/Rails, BackboneJS).

Skills: Python, JavaScript, Ruby/Rails, HTML/CSS, Google Appengine, REST APIs and Clients, Git, CI/CD, TDD (test-driven development)

Software Engineer, Stremor Corp — 2012-2013

Software Engineer assisting in building a natural language engine and associated web services on Google Cloud Platform.

  • Iteratively develop and test natural language processing system under guidance by the CTO, develop testing framework for determining improvements to NLP code, implement Web Services for the NLP system on Google AppEngine.
  • Build automated deployment system using git, Github, python, Google AppEngine.

Owner, Wallrazer, Inc, Gilbert, AZ — 2010-2012

Owner, web engineering and product development corporation. Wallrazer provided contract web development and design, graphic design, and built Markbox, a blogging SaaS product that allowed customers to create and design a blog from content stored on their Dropbox account.

  • Markbox was built in Python using the Flask framework running behind Gunicorn and Nginx, using MySQL as a datastore, on Linode virtual servers.
  • Contract front-end (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) development for a SaaS platform providing Agile software development tools.
  • Contract web design and development for local businesses with Python/Django, Wordpress, Hugo, Adobe design suite.


University of the Nations, Kona, Hawaii Bachelor of Communication, Graphic Design Graduated 1996 is powered by python, Datesette, sqlite,, love, and tears | #top