monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Wednesday, Sep 11, 2019

☀️ Earliest posts come first.

Steve Ivy

@pixel I miss Adium

~ # 04:06 ~

Steve Ivy

@morgamic Yes. the answer is yes.

~ # 04:07 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @pixel: Slack is IRC:

minus choice of client minus scriptability minus server choice plus non-intuitive interface plus slow response ti…

~ # 04:49 ~

Steve Ivy

this is a test

~ # 13:39 ~

Steve Ivy

@davewiner I’m hopeless with words, but I remember Scripting News that day. I was glued to SN more than the pictures on TV. Seeing all the names from the SN community linked on that page, and processing - for the 18th time - the fear, the hurt, and now what it did to our nation

~ # 13:53 ~

Steve Ivy

@mattknight1986 @Astropartigirl “Did anyone expect whites to prostrate themselves before the world”

They do. We whites are the only ones who can’t figure out why they expect it, because of systemic privilege and racism.

~ # 15:27 ~

Steve Ivy

@mattknight1986 @Astropartigirl Even if you pretend the centuries of slvaery and genocide and stick to the last 20 years, “mass shootings” are the exclusive domain of entitled, angry white men. Why? because it’s never “that guy who insulted me” who should pay, it’s “everyone that looks like him”

~ # 15:28 ~

Steve Ivy

@mattknight1986 @Astropartigirl Or its “anyone in the same area”, because we’re even too lazy to focus our attention on one person. We’re infants, wailing to the world to pay attention.

~ # 15:30 ~

Steve Ivy

@mattknight1986 So yes, we owe the world a huge debt and they’re waiting for us to acknowledge it.

~ # 15:32 ~

Steve Ivy

@davewiner Appreciate the new emails BTW - and I like the links at the bottom. Thanks for 20+ years Dave

~ # 15:35 ~

Steve Ivy

@mattgemmell <george takai>Oooh myyyyyyyyyy

~ # 17:02 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @round: What a comeback.

~ # 17:05 ~

Steve Ivy

@mattgemmell Obviously the macOS spell check is lacking important details

~ # 20:00 ~

Steve Ivy

A peek at the new blog design…

~ # 23:59 ~