monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Saturday, Nov 1, 2014

☀️ Earliest posts come first.

Steve Ivy

Hanging at the party

~ # 01:55 ~

Steve Ivy

Halloween selfie

~ # 04:53 ~

Steve Ivy

@freebsdgirl o/

~ # 15:58 ~

Steve Ivy

@freebsdgirl if it means anything, your bravery and stubbornness is inspiring. This is hard stuff.

~ # 21:28 ~

Steve Ivy

@freebsdgirl I’d like to send you a couple quick DMs and then I’ll leave you alone. Willing to temp-follow?

~ # 21:34 ~

Steve Ivy

@vmbrasseur Now, grasshopper, you will have arrived when you can not ‘well, actually,..’ and not feel smug. :)

~ # 21:59 ~