monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Wednesday, Apr 4, 2012

☀️ Earliest posts come first.

Steve Ivy


~ # 05:07 ~

Steve Ivy

@jacobian that’s not something you read from a #BDFL very often.

~ # 05:10 ~

Steve Ivy

@evanpro theory: Tech founders can get far with just the product. Biz founders can only sell an idea for so long.

~ # 15:41 ~

Steve Ivy

@evanpro and that’s not a knock on biz founders - they may often have a better sense of the markets.

~ # 15:42 ~

Steve Ivy

That thing when the song you use as your ringtone comes up in iTunes.

~ # 16:50 ~

Steve Ivy

@SeanMcTex nice.

~ # 18:02 ~

Steve Ivy

RT @CEOBillh: Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that …

~ # 18:03 ~

Steve Ivy

remember, kids, = for strings, -eq for ints #!/bin/sh

~ # 18:19 ~