monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Wednesday, Feb 26, 2020

☀️ Earliest posts come first.

Steve Ivy

That’s why the industry still needs us olds: we know that a website starts with <html> not “npm install” 😇

~ # 00:15 ~

Steve Ivy

I know I’ve done a good job integrating my social media posting into my site when I want to reply to my own posts. #indieweb #posse

~ # 01:02 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

Remembering my early days asteroid mining in #eveonline

~ # 02:34 ~

Steve Ivy

My god. Morning again.

~ # 13:24 ~

Steve Ivy

Lawrence Lessig on #rankedchoicevoting: “My Turn: New Hampshire primary proves we need ranked-choice voting for president” #uspol

~ # 13:33 ~

Steve Ivy

Treated myself to new mousepads (SteelSeries Gaming Surface) because who has time for scratchy, skippy mousing?

~ # 14:57 ~